Jen Lancaster
author : Jen Lancaster
Jen Lancaster was born in November 1967. After graduating with a B. A. in political science, she worked for an HMO and then at a technology company. In December 2002, after being unemployed for over a year, she launched a website to air her frustrations about unemployment and it gained popularity quickly. Her first book, Bitter Is the New Black, was published in 2005. Her other works include Bright Lights, Big Ass; Such a Pretty Fat; Pretty in Plaid; My Fair Lazy; Jeneration X; If You Were Here, and the Tao of Martha.
Jen Lancaster Book Series
My Fair Lazy: One Reality Television Addict's Attempt to Discover If Not Being A Dumb Ass Is the New Black, or, a Culture-Up Manifesto
Pretty in Plaid: A Life, A Witch, and a Wardrobe, or, the Wonder Years Before the Condescending,Egomaniacal, Self-Centered Smart-Ass Phase
Such a pretty fat: one narcissist's quest to discover if her life makes her ass look big, or, Why pie is not the answer